Feb 29th -Leap Day: For the Ladies 👫👸👭

Leap Day (also know as Bachelor’s Day) is an Irish Tradition dating back to the 5th Century.

The story goes: St Brigid complained to St. Patrick that girls had to wait too long for their man to ask for their hand in marriage.

So St Patrick being an obliging man, gave us 29th Feb to propose to our love.

Gra to St Brigid, a feminist after my own heart.  💖

Girl’s if you get the ring on his/her finger, call me on 087 1273175 and together we will create the wedding of your dreams.

Have a Gra filled Day whatever you get up to..

Deirdre Ni Shuibhne, Gorey , Leinster and the rest of lreland Celebrant.

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