GRACEREMONIES.IE           Are you getting Married?

Here are some questions to help you prepare well for your future wedded life together.

You will be able to discuss your marriage expectations and get to know each other better.

To make it easy for you, there will be 5 premartial topics.

Today’s topic is: Relationship Expectations

1 How can l show you that l love you?

2 ls there something l do now, or might do in the future that would make you not trust me?

3 What kind of basic rules do you want to establish a good marriage?

4 ls your career more important than marriage and family?

5. How did your family resolve conflicts when you were growing up?

Was it a good method or not?

What would you change and do differently in resolving conflicts in our marriage?

In answering the questions truthfully, you have given each other the best start for a wonderful life together..

To set your wedding date: Contact me; Deirdre @ 0871273175

Registered Celebrate. Entheos lreland.

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