Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you celebrate the legal aspect of our Wedding?

YES! l am a Registered Solemniser with Entheos lreland (Link here) who is authorised to conduct legal marriage ceremonies in Ireland.

As an Entheos Ireland Minister l am committed to fostering inclusivity and accessibility, so no couple would ever be turned away on the grounds of any diversity of gender, orientation, colour, nationality, ability, religion, non-religion, culture or any other reason within the bounds of Irish law.

2. How much will it cost?

The average fee is €650 for a wedding ceremony, €300 for Funerals (End of LIfe Celebrations), Namings and Vow renewal ceremonies.

Thresholds and Transition Rituals start at €150.

Contact me to discuss the specifics of your ceremony requirements, including your preferred date, time and venue, as these factors may influence the fee.  Payment plans are available as required.

3. How do we Register our Intent to Marry?

In Ireland, all couples must visit a HSE Registrar to register their intent to marry, no less than 3 months prior to their intended wedding date. At this meeting, you will be asked for the names and details of both spouses and both witnesses (over 18yrs), your chosen Solemniser, your venue and your intended date.

You will be given a Green Folder, which you will bring with you on your wedding day.  I will ask you for this in advance of the ceremony in order to check and confirm that all details are correct.  

During the ceremony, l will sign it, along with your witnesses and both of you.  It will be your responsibility to then return it to the HSE Registrar’s Office within 30 days of your ceremony.

4. How long does the ceremony last?

Most ceremonies last between 30-45mins, depending on what you would like to include, but there is no time limit. I can arrange your ceremony at any time of the day, on any day of the week, at any venue of your choosing (complaint with Section 52 of the Civil Registrations Act 2004).

5. How is our booking confirmed?

When the availability of your date and venue is confirmed by me, your booking will be confirmed upon receipt of a €250 booking deposit. The balance to be paid in advance of your ceremony, either via credit/debit card or bank transfer, along with mileage fees and any other additional agreed costs.

6. How far in advance would we book?

The earlier the better! Contact me to secure the date.

7. How do we obtain our Marriage Certificate?

Keep your paperwork (in the green folder) on the day of your ceremony. Maybe think about giving it to someone who you can trust to hold it safely till the wedding day is over!

You must then return the MRF (Marriage Registration Form) within one month to a Registrar, for the marriage to be registered.  Under Section 50 of the Civil Registration Act 2004, if  the completed MRF ( Marriage Registration Form) is not returned to a Registrar within 56 days of the intended date of marriage recorded on the MRF, the Registrar can serve notice on you requiring you to return the MRF within 14 days of receiving the notice, It is very important that you ensure the paperwork is returned as you cannot get your civil marriage certificate until the marriage is registered.


  • CHECK AVAILABILITY for your date and venue.
  • CONTACT ME to verify availability and plan ahead.
  • CONFIRM with deposit.
  • CREATE  a unique and wonderful ceremony with me, by scheduling your ceremony planning meetings.
  • CELEBRATE the ceremony of your dreams to remember forever.
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